viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015


Honestly, I don't know exactly what this photo mean, or what the photographer tried to catch, but it has a meaning for me and that's why I chose.
First at all, the photograph was taken by a friend of mine, called Santiago Vergara, which in my opinion is an excellent photographer. I don't know exactly when it was taken, but I think it was near the ending of 2014. Technically I like a lot the photo.
When I see the photograph I remember all of those moments that we're trying to see clear the things - I mean, try to relax, think smartly, and do the things well – but then you start to lose your mind, and the things get wrong, you start to do the things wrong, and you start to sink. And the reason is because you force a lot , and you get tired, but the people still request you to do things and simply you can't do more. So then you start to do things wrong...