viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

a very useful webpage for me : Sound on Sound

Hello, it's been a long time since the last time I posted... I just don't know what happened...but let's continue.

Today I will bring to you a website that for me is very useful. and this site is

This site, in the beginning was only a magazine (since 1985), and then it became a online magazine.
Mainly, the site talks about new technologies in audio, like new software, and equipments that Sound Engineers use in the studio, or venues. Also it has tutorials, tips and tricks about recording, mixing and producing music.

The website is only a limited version of the magazine. To see all the articles you have to subscribe to it, but despite this it has a lot of useful information for free.

I visit the webpage at least once a week, but when I need to know something in details, I can spend a lot of hours in these, searching information.

I like it because the most of the time that I need some information about musical production process, I can found it on Sound On Sound. It's like a big DIY library , so anyone can use it, no matter if you study something related or not.