viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

My expectations in the University

My name is Vicente Espinoza, I'm 18 years and actually I'm studying at Universidad de Chile. this my first year in university and i'm studying an unusual career, called Sound, which is related in someway with the music, but also related with maths, science and technology. I choose these career because I like the idea to make music and manipulate the sound with the technology.
This first year I have a lot of expectations, but this time I will tell you only two generals expectations.
First at all, i want to get adapted in the ambient and mode of working and studying here in the university.
Also I want to meet more people that is related not only with sound, but also with music, visuals arts to make projects with them in future years.
So, I have a lot of goals for this semester, but when I will have more clear ideas, I will be posting in this blog for you.

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