viernes, 24 de abril de 2015

My favorite piece of technology

In first place, I love technology, but I have my thoughts about it, so read until the entry ends.
So well, I think that my favorite gadget is the iPad mini.
iPad mini is a Tablet, and basically is like a netbook laptop but it has no keyboard, it has touch screen, it has less memory. iPad mini is a smaller version of the iPad. I have it since last Christmas , 'cause my aunt gave to me as a gift. I was so happy, 'cause is very useful: I can do almost everything I can do in a laptop and the better part is that is portable, more than a laptop, and I don't need to turn on and off every time I use, is like an smartphone, but bigger. So I use it daily.
But I think that if I wouldn't have it, life will be the same, because is just a gadget. The gadget won't study or do the homework for me.I can do the samething on  the computer, so I don't care.  Is just a tiny  help to make the things a little bit easier. But I decide how life would be in any case. (It was a little reflection about life :D ).
See you next time.

3 comentarios:

  1. I think the same as you, gadgets aren't the most important in the life. We can be happy without them c:

  2. nice object apple boy but I think that you cant live with your table xd
