viernes, 21 de agosto de 2015


I don't remember exactly when I "started" to listen to music and what kind of music it was. But my parents told me that when I was a kid, I "tried" to sing The Beatles' songs, but with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. So I can say that The Beatles was the first band I listened.
And then, when I was in the process of  growing up (actually, I'm still in that process), I began to listen different genres of music. At first I started with reggae, but I think that I was only a stage in my life, because nowadays I don't like it much. But then I started to listen rock genre and its variations and I think that these music is so good, but sometimes it was so simply (I repeat, sometimes).

Today, I can't say I listen every kind of music, but certainly I'm not closed to hear new music. I like a lot Funk and Jazz and I know that these genres has a lot of variations so I try to hear new kind of variation every time I can.

Some of my favorites bands/artist are Foo Fighters, Porcupine Tree, Tool, a Perfect Circle, Sunny Day Real State (this band is so underground I think),Los Tetas, Drogatones (another underground band), Nano Stern, Pedro Aznar (a very good bassist in my opinion), Snarky Puppy, Electro Deluxe, Dave Brubeck and the list goes on.

Also I play musical instruments: my "main" instrument is the bass, but now I'm learning piano. Playing an instrument I think is a rich experience, sometimes more than only listen. You involved directly with the music, you can be part of music, and you can decide how music will sound. But you need to be constantly, you need to practice, and you need to take a big compromise with it. So many times you will be frustrated, or tired because you has a lot of hours practicing. And this is part of the "business", and is not good or bad, it just is.

I can't explain what is music for me, because even until today, I don't know which is and how it is made. I don't have a lot of experience, just only few years (I started to play bass in 2009, I guess). But one thing that I clearly know, that music had changed my way to see the things, and it makes me more sensitive to my environment. Because I think that the music is created in order of what we see in our environment. We can't create music only thinking in our personal experience.
I don't wanna to expand on creation, just because I'm not sure about what I know and what I think.I prefer to continue living the experience, and maybe in the future, I will talk about music and creation.

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