miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015


Hi! It's been a long time! Today I will talk about one of the many countries I'd like to visit: Iceland!
Iceland is an island between Groenland and Europe, near the United Kingdom. Is a very small country, with less than 330,000 people and they have their own language, which in my opinion is very difficult to learn and understand, because it is not similar to English or Spanish, and it has their rare symbols, similar to Greek Alphabet.

Since I started to listen a band from this country , called Sigur Rós, I began to get interested about the country and its culture. To be honest, I don't know too much about its culture, but I like too know more about it. That's why I will travel to Iceland.

I would like to see an aurora borealis (which usually appears between August and April), because for me it will be an unique and magic experience. Then I would go to little towns to know about food, music, paintings and my favorite part: explore all the forest... because Iceland is beautiful and its forest is also beautiful.

I would like to live in Iceland, but I don't know if my career allows me to have a stable work here, because basically I don't know how it works in this country... But for sure I will travel the first time only to stay maybe 2 o 3 weeks and then I will know if I can live there in the future.

That's all for today! See you later.

martes, 8 de septiembre de 2015

That's all folks!

So the semester has ended. It was very strange(because of strike), and it was my first semester in university. I learned a lot of things, not only related to music or my discipline, but also about how University works.
You feel free and you can do whatever you want, but if you just don't do anything, things would get difficult and you can be stressed.
So I'm learning how to handle it without lose my mind studying or lose the semester only drinking or sleeping.

Talking about the course "English III", I have to say that it helped me a lot to improve my english, not completely, but I can say that now I can understand more English and I can talk a little bit the language.
Definitely my weakness is the oral part. It's like a forget everything when I'm talking in English so I begin to say wrong things or not correct at all. Maybe only with the training I will improve this weakness, so the only thing I need is to keep practicing!

About my writing skills, I believe that this is the part that I improve more than other. I like to write because also is a way to improve my oral ability, because I have to think what I'm writing, is not just writing with inspiration and just let the words flows. It will be awesome but no :(.

Thanks to my partners and thanks to Victor. See you in another moment of the life!


I'm gonna say the truth: I don't watch movies usually. So I cannot talk a lot about movies, because basically, I don't know a lot of movies, so it's so difficult to me to make a comparison between films, or actors/actresses, or directors.
But I think that my favorites titles are the Star Wars Saga by the director George Lucas. I'm expecting the new Star Wars, even though it wasn't from George Lucas, so I'm giving a try to the new director, and I hope it will be a good movie, and in accordance to the older ones.

Interstellar also is one of my favorites movies, because I like the physics and the director worried about every single details about physics fundaments(Obviously, somethings are not real, but is part of the genre,isn't?). Also I like the way Matthew McConaughey acts, has something special... I don't know what.
The music composed by Hans Zimmer is just incredible, mixed with the incredible Sound Design by Richard King, makes a movie tha
t blows your mind. I love the science fiction genre, because I'm kinda nerd (hahaha)

If a talk about an actor, maybe my favorite actor is Harrison Ford, because he acts in Star Wars and also in Indiana Jones... but it's a poor opinion. Like I said before I don't know a lot of movies...so maybe I'm just saying bullshit hahaha, tell me if is like that,please.
So this is all for today.


I love food, I have to said it.Every time I can, I try to enjoy good food.
Nowadays I've been eating a lot of fast food, because I love it, but now it's time to stop doing this and now I'm trying to be a little bit moderated.
But when I have to celebrate is imposible to not eat something that not only is delicious, but caloric too.

My favorite recipe is Burritos! Since I have ten years every birthday with my family we eat tacos. I eat burritos with chicken,meat, corn, guacamole, tomato,acid sauce and some rice. I don't eat all ingredients in one burritos, it will be a huge one! I used to eat four o five burritos with different ingredients.

But... I don't know how to cook... I only cook rice and pastas. I would like to know how to cook things like chop suey, how to make a BBQ, or how to cook traditional foods of Chile like empanada.
I promise one day I will make empanada... And when it happens, I will invite you to taste it.