miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015


Hi! It's been a long time! Today I will talk about one of the many countries I'd like to visit: Iceland!
Iceland is an island between Groenland and Europe, near the United Kingdom. Is a very small country, with less than 330,000 people and they have their own language, which in my opinion is very difficult to learn and understand, because it is not similar to English or Spanish, and it has their rare symbols, similar to Greek Alphabet.

Since I started to listen a band from this country , called Sigur Rós, I began to get interested about the country and its culture. To be honest, I don't know too much about its culture, but I like too know more about it. That's why I will travel to Iceland.

I would like to see an aurora borealis (which usually appears between August and April), because for me it will be an unique and magic experience. Then I would go to little towns to know about food, music, paintings and my favorite part: explore all the forest... because Iceland is beautiful and its forest is also beautiful.

I would like to live in Iceland, but I don't know if my career allows me to have a stable work here, because basically I don't know how it works in this country... But for sure I will travel the first time only to stay maybe 2 o 3 weeks and then I will know if I can live there in the future.

That's all for today! See you later.

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