miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2015

A person I admire

Hello guys! I think this is one of my last post of the year, so... let's go!

Today I'm gonna to talk about the person that I deeply admire... Bob Sponge Squarepants!
If you don't know who is Bob Sponge, please get out of this blog...
Bob Sponge Squarepants, obviously is a Sponge, but he lives under the sea, and his home is a pineapple (yeah, under the sea).

I don't know exactly where he was born, but I think that it was in a Factory of Sponges in the United States , because he doesn't look like a natural sponge.

Bob Sponge works in a restaurant, called Krusty Krab, and his owner is Mr. Krab, a very selfish krab.
In the restaurant, Bob works in the cook frying meat and making the hamburgers, then he delivers it to Squidward Tentacles, who gave the hambuger to the clients.

I admire his because he do a lot of things that I don't. First at all, he is a sponge. Then he can live under the sea, and even in a pineapple. I like the idea of living in a pineapple and breathing underwater.
He only use pants all the day and no one says nothing. If I do this in this world, the people will look me like saying "he is a stupid man", and also I will get sunburn...So no.

Please, don't be so serious, this is just a joke.

Happy Holidays to everyone!

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