miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015

Star Wars!!

First at all, I don't know much about Star Wars saga, because I watched when a I was a child, so I don't have good memories about it. I will try to do my best.

If I could be any character of Star Wars, I would be Boba Fett. Boba Fett was a male human Bounty Hunter, clon of Jango Fett (also a bounty hunter).
Boba was raised as a Jango'son, and he learned de necesary skills to one day become a bounty hunter in his own right.

After serving a brief prison sentence, Boba Fett formed a team of bounty hunters and took on a lot of important missions.
After the Galatic Empire, Boba gain reputation as one of the deadliest bounty hunters in the galaxy. Duriing this time, he married with Sintas Vel and they have a daughter called Aylin Vel. By the time of the Galactic Civil War worked with Jaba the Hutt. Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, Boba and other bounty hunters were gathered by Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, to locate Solo and the Millennium Falcon, hoping to use them to lure Luke Skywalker into a trap. The plot was successful, and Boba took Solo, who was frozen in carbonite, toTatooine to collect the bounty that Jabba had placed on him.

If I would be Boba Fett, I will not worked with Darth Vader, but also neither with Jedi. I will work on my own way, just doing what is best for me. But actually, I think that was the attitude of Boba Fett, so I wouldn't do anything different.

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