martes, 28 de abril de 2015

My expectations of the Semester...

This is my first time at University, so I have a lot of expectations, especially for this semester, because I think that in this semester I will know if I really like my carreer or maybe I change to another in the future.

I'm studying sound and it's kinda rare because in this semester (and in general) I have a lot of maths, but a lot of musical subjects too, and I'm happy with that. I like both areas and that's why I entered to this carreer.

I expect to learn a lot of piano because I have a subject of this instrument. I want to make a lot of friends too, and not only with people who is studying with me, but also with other people from other carreers.

Actually I'm not in extracurricular activities but, maybe I'll do some sports, to relax at least once a week, I hope.

See you next blog!

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