martes, 8 de septiembre de 2015


I'm gonna say the truth: I don't watch movies usually. So I cannot talk a lot about movies, because basically, I don't know a lot of movies, so it's so difficult to me to make a comparison between films, or actors/actresses, or directors.
But I think that my favorites titles are the Star Wars Saga by the director George Lucas. I'm expecting the new Star Wars, even though it wasn't from George Lucas, so I'm giving a try to the new director, and I hope it will be a good movie, and in accordance to the older ones.

Interstellar also is one of my favorites movies, because I like the physics and the director worried about every single details about physics fundaments(Obviously, somethings are not real, but is part of the genre,isn't?). Also I like the way Matthew McConaughey acts, has something special... I don't know what.
The music composed by Hans Zimmer is just incredible, mixed with the incredible Sound Design by Richard King, makes a movie tha
t blows your mind. I love the science fiction genre, because I'm kinda nerd (hahaha)

If a talk about an actor, maybe my favorite actor is Harrison Ford, because he acts in Star Wars and also in Indiana Jones... but it's a poor opinion. Like I said before I don't know a lot of maybe I'm just saying bullshit hahaha, tell me if is like that,please.
So this is all for today.

1 comentario:

  1. I love Star Wars! I forget them in my post u.u I'm waiting the Han Solo return ;D
