miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2015

A person I admire

Hello guys! I think this is one of my last post of the year, so... let's go!

Today I'm gonna to talk about the person that I deeply admire... Bob Sponge Squarepants!
If you don't know who is Bob Sponge, please get out of this blog...
Bob Sponge Squarepants, obviously is a Sponge, but he lives under the sea, and his home is a pineapple (yeah, under the sea).

I don't know exactly where he was born, but I think that it was in a Factory of Sponges in the United States , because he doesn't look like a natural sponge.

Bob Sponge works in a restaurant, called Krusty Krab, and his owner is Mr. Krab, a very selfish krab.
In the restaurant, Bob works in the cook frying meat and making the hamburgers, then he delivers it to Squidward Tentacles, who gave the hambuger to the clients.

I admire his because he do a lot of things that I don't. First at all, he is a sponge. Then he can live under the sea, and even in a pineapple. I like the idea of living in a pineapple and breathing underwater.
He only use pants all the day and no one says nothing. If I do this in this world, the people will look me like saying "he is a stupid man", and also I will get sunburn...So no.

Please, don't be so serious, this is just a joke.

Happy Holidays to everyone!

miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015

Star Wars!!

First at all, I don't know much about Star Wars saga, because I watched when a I was a child, so I don't have good memories about it. I will try to do my best.

If I could be any character of Star Wars, I would be Boba Fett. Boba Fett was a male human Bounty Hunter, clon of Jango Fett (also a bounty hunter).
Boba was raised as a Jango'son, and he learned de necesary skills to one day become a bounty hunter in his own right.

After serving a brief prison sentence, Boba Fett formed a team of bounty hunters and took on a lot of important missions.
After the Galatic Empire, Boba gain reputation as one of the deadliest bounty hunters in the galaxy. Duriing this time, he married with Sintas Vel and they have a daughter called Aylin Vel. By the time of the Galactic Civil War worked with Jaba the Hutt. Shortly after the Battle of Hoth, Boba and other bounty hunters were gathered by Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, to locate Solo and the Millennium Falcon, hoping to use them to lure Luke Skywalker into a trap. The plot was successful, and Boba took Solo, who was frozen in carbonite, toTatooine to collect the bounty that Jabba had placed on him.

If I would be Boba Fett, I will not worked with Darth Vader, but also neither with Jedi. I will work on my own way, just doing what is best for me. But actually, I think that was the attitude of Boba Fett, so I wouldn't do anything different.

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015

My Favourite Musical

Hello! today I'm gonna to talk about my favourite musical!

My favourite musical is the British-American film Across The Universe, by the director Julie Taymor, released in September, 2007.

I like the film because all the soundtrack is Beatles' music but covered by the actors. Some of them sing, some of them not.

The names of the six main characters are inspired by Beatles songs and lyrics. They are:

  • Evan Rachel Wood as Lucy (Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds)
  • Jim Sturgess as Jude (Hey Jude)
  • Joe Anderson as Max (Maxwell's Silver Hammer)
  •  Dana Fuchs as Sadie (Sexy Sadie)
  • Martin Luther McCoy as Jojo (Get Back)
  • T. V. Carpio as Prudence (Dear Prudence)
Also Bono, the singer of U2, appears in one scene in Dr. Robert (which is the name of a song of The Beatles).

The romantic musical is set in 1960 decade, in the period of the Cold War between USA and Rusia, when the Vietnam War was happening, and was the 'explosion' of riots against war, rock'n'roll and Psychedelia. The story turns around Institutes and Universities in Massachusetts, Princeton and Ohio, and it moves from Liverpool to the creative Psychedelia of Greenwich Village in New York; from riot in Detroit's streets to the death fields in Vietnam.

I like it because I'm a huge fan of The Beatles, so as you can imagine, everything related to Beatles is awesome for me. And also because I think that the new versions of the song are amazing, the arrangements are just amazing and the singers (which are the actors too) have a very good technique.

See you!

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

The Best Concert

I have a lot a favorite concerts, but I think that the best concert when Foo Fighers played at Lollapalooza in 2012, it was in March (If my memory is not wrong).

The concert began with a song I like a lot, which is "All My Life", a very powerful song, so everyone started to jump and feel all the power of the song. 

During the concert I moved forward until I reach the beginning of the public (I don't know how to say it, but is where is the bar that separate public from all the stuff of the band), I was 16 years old and I wasn't tall, so I made a big effort to reach this point of the stage, and obviously I was SO tired, all I wanted in this moment was drink a lot of water. 

Finally I couldn't stand and I went out of the stage to search water. But anyway, I listened the concert all the time, because the point of water was near to the stage. 

They stayed in the stage like two hours, and played all the classics song and songs from they new album in this time , called "Wasting Light", which in my opinion is one of the greatest album of the band.

Well, the concert finished and I was still tired...but it worth.

miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015


Hi! It's been a long time! Today I will talk about one of the many countries I'd like to visit: Iceland!
Iceland is an island between Groenland and Europe, near the United Kingdom. Is a very small country, with less than 330,000 people and they have their own language, which in my opinion is very difficult to learn and understand, because it is not similar to English or Spanish, and it has their rare symbols, similar to Greek Alphabet.

Since I started to listen a band from this country , called Sigur Rós, I began to get interested about the country and its culture. To be honest, I don't know too much about its culture, but I like too know more about it. That's why I will travel to Iceland.

I would like to see an aurora borealis (which usually appears between August and April), because for me it will be an unique and magic experience. Then I would go to little towns to know about food, music, paintings and my favorite part: explore all the forest... because Iceland is beautiful and its forest is also beautiful.

I would like to live in Iceland, but I don't know if my career allows me to have a stable work here, because basically I don't know how it works in this country... But for sure I will travel the first time only to stay maybe 2 o 3 weeks and then I will know if I can live there in the future.

That's all for today! See you later.

martes, 8 de septiembre de 2015

That's all folks!

So the semester has ended. It was very strange(because of strike), and it was my first semester in university. I learned a lot of things, not only related to music or my discipline, but also about how University works.
You feel free and you can do whatever you want, but if you just don't do anything, things would get difficult and you can be stressed.
So I'm learning how to handle it without lose my mind studying or lose the semester only drinking or sleeping.

Talking about the course "English III", I have to say that it helped me a lot to improve my english, not completely, but I can say that now I can understand more English and I can talk a little bit the language.
Definitely my weakness is the oral part. It's like a forget everything when I'm talking in English so I begin to say wrong things or not correct at all. Maybe only with the training I will improve this weakness, so the only thing I need is to keep practicing!

About my writing skills, I believe that this is the part that I improve more than other. I like to write because also is a way to improve my oral ability, because I have to think what I'm writing, is not just writing with inspiration and just let the words flows. It will be awesome but no :(.

Thanks to my partners and thanks to Victor. See you in another moment of the life!


I'm gonna say the truth: I don't watch movies usually. So I cannot talk a lot about movies, because basically, I don't know a lot of movies, so it's so difficult to me to make a comparison between films, or actors/actresses, or directors.
But I think that my favorites titles are the Star Wars Saga by the director George Lucas. I'm expecting the new Star Wars, even though it wasn't from George Lucas, so I'm giving a try to the new director, and I hope it will be a good movie, and in accordance to the older ones.

Interstellar also is one of my favorites movies, because I like the physics and the director worried about every single details about physics fundaments(Obviously, somethings are not real, but is part of the genre,isn't?). Also I like the way Matthew McConaughey acts, has something special... I don't know what.
The music composed by Hans Zimmer is just incredible, mixed with the incredible Sound Design by Richard King, makes a movie tha
t blows your mind. I love the science fiction genre, because I'm kinda nerd (hahaha)

If a talk about an actor, maybe my favorite actor is Harrison Ford, because he acts in Star Wars and also in Indiana Jones... but it's a poor opinion. Like I said before I don't know a lot of movies...so maybe I'm just saying bullshit hahaha, tell me if is like that,please.
So this is all for today.


I love food, I have to said it.Every time I can, I try to enjoy good food.
Nowadays I've been eating a lot of fast food, because I love it, but now it's time to stop doing this and now I'm trying to be a little bit moderated.
But when I have to celebrate is imposible to not eat something that not only is delicious, but caloric too.

My favorite recipe is Burritos! Since I have ten years every birthday with my family we eat tacos. I eat burritos with chicken,meat, corn, guacamole, tomato,acid sauce and some rice. I don't eat all ingredients in one burritos, it will be a huge one! I used to eat four o five burritos with different ingredients.

But... I don't know how to cook... I only cook rice and pastas. I would like to know how to cook things like chop suey, how to make a BBQ, or how to cook traditional foods of Chile like empanada.
I promise one day I will make empanada... And when it happens, I will invite you to taste it.

viernes, 21 de agosto de 2015


I don't remember exactly when I "started" to listen to music and what kind of music it was. But my parents told me that when I was a kid, I "tried" to sing The Beatles' songs, but with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. So I can say that The Beatles was the first band I listened.
And then, when I was in the process of  growing up (actually, I'm still in that process), I began to listen different genres of music. At first I started with reggae, but I think that I was only a stage in my life, because nowadays I don't like it much. But then I started to listen rock genre and its variations and I think that these music is so good, but sometimes it was so simply (I repeat, sometimes).

Today, I can't say I listen every kind of music, but certainly I'm not closed to hear new music. I like a lot Funk and Jazz and I know that these genres has a lot of variations so I try to hear new kind of variation every time I can.

Some of my favorites bands/artist are Foo Fighters, Porcupine Tree, Tool, a Perfect Circle, Sunny Day Real State (this band is so underground I think),Los Tetas, Drogatones (another underground band), Nano Stern, Pedro Aznar (a very good bassist in my opinion), Snarky Puppy, Electro Deluxe, Dave Brubeck and the list goes on.

Also I play musical instruments: my "main" instrument is the bass, but now I'm learning piano. Playing an instrument I think is a rich experience, sometimes more than only listen. You involved directly with the music, you can be part of music, and you can decide how music will sound. But you need to be constantly, you need to practice, and you need to take a big compromise with it. So many times you will be frustrated, or tired because you has a lot of hours practicing. And this is part of the "business", and is not good or bad, it just is.

I can't explain what is music for me, because even until today, I don't know which is and how it is made. I don't have a lot of experience, just only few years (I started to play bass in 2009, I guess). But one thing that I clearly know, that music had changed my way to see the things, and it makes me more sensitive to my environment. Because I think that the music is created in order of what we see in our environment. We can't create music only thinking in our personal experience.
I don't wanna to expand on creation, just because I'm not sure about what I know and what I think.I prefer to continue living the experience, and maybe in the future, I will talk about music and creation.

viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

a very useful webpage for me : Sound on Sound

Hello, it's been a long time since the last time I posted... I just don't know what happened...but let's continue.

Today I will bring to you a website that for me is very useful. and this site is http://www.soundonsound.com.

This site, in the beginning was only a magazine (since 1985), and then it became a online magazine.
Mainly, the site talks about new technologies in audio, like new software, and equipments that Sound Engineers use in the studio, or venues. Also it has tutorials, tips and tricks about recording, mixing and producing music.

The website is only a limited version of the magazine. To see all the articles you have to subscribe to it, but despite this it has a lot of useful information for free.

I visit the webpage at least once a week, but when I need to know something in details, I can spend a lot of hours in these, searching information.

I like it because the most of the time that I need some information about musical production process, I can found it on Sound On Sound. It's like a big DIY library , so anyone can use it, no matter if you study something related or not.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015


Honestly, I don't know exactly what this photo mean, or what the photographer tried to catch, but it has a meaning for me and that's why I chose.
First at all, the photograph was taken by a friend of mine, called Santiago Vergara, which in my opinion is an excellent photographer. I don't know exactly when it was taken, but I think it was near the ending of 2014. Technically I like a lot the photo.
When I see the photograph I remember all of those moments that we're trying to see clear the things - I mean, try to relax, think smartly, and do the things well – but then you start to lose your mind, and the things get wrong, you start to do the things wrong, and you start to sink. And the reason is because you force a lot , and you get tired, but the people still request you to do things and simply you can't do more. So then you start to do things wrong...


martes, 28 de abril de 2015

My expectations of the Semester...

This is my first time at University, so I have a lot of expectations, especially for this semester, because I think that in this semester I will know if I really like my carreer or maybe I change to another in the future.

I'm studying sound and it's kinda rare because in this semester (and in general) I have a lot of maths, but a lot of musical subjects too, and I'm happy with that. I like both areas and that's why I entered to this carreer.

I expect to learn a lot of piano because I have a subject of this instrument. I want to make a lot of friends too, and not only with people who is studying with me, but also with other people from other carreers.

Actually I'm not in extracurricular activities but, maybe I'll do some sports, to relax at least once a week, I hope.

See you next blog!

viernes, 24 de abril de 2015

Flaca and Silvestre.

In my home we have 5 pets. 4 cats and 1 dog. Definitely we love pets in my home. But now I will talk about Flaca and Silvestre, the newers pets in home.
All starts when I was in the countryside in 2013 and I found a tiny white and gray cat. At the first moment I said to me "I need to have these cat in my home". So I asked to the people who lives in the place and told me that the cat has no owner, so I decide to bring it to my home. When we reach home, the cat was disoriented, and as time went by it adapted. Flaca with the dog (called Patana) are very friendly. but with the other cats (Calambra and Toronja) they don't. they are enemies.
In October, 2013, Flaca was pregnant, so in November born Silvestre and other 5 cats also born.
the other 5 cats were given to other people because in my home we dont have the space enough to another 5 pets.

Silvestre plays a lot with Patana, and they are like brothers. Of course, with calambra and toronja there is no friendship :(

silvestre "talks" a lot, when he needs love, when he is hungry too. I like to bother him because he meows  a lot. so basicaly this is what I do when I'm with Silvestre, and with Flaca too.

My favorite piece of technology

In first place, I love technology, but I have my thoughts about it, so read until the entry ends.
So well, I think that my favorite gadget is the iPad mini.
iPad mini is a Tablet, and basically is like a netbook laptop but it has no keyboard, it has touch screen, it has less memory. iPad mini is a smaller version of the iPad. I have it since last Christmas , 'cause my aunt gave to me as a gift. I was so happy, 'cause is very useful: I can do almost everything I can do in a laptop and the better part is that is portable, more than a laptop, and I don't need to turn on and off every time I use, is like an smartphone, but bigger. So I use it daily.
But I think that if I wouldn't have it, life will be the same, because is just a gadget. The gadget won't study or do the homework for me.I can do the samething on  the computer, so I don't care.  Is just a tiny  help to make the things a little bit easier. But I decide how life would be in any case. (It was a little reflection about life :D ).
See you next time.

viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

My expectations in the University

My name is Vicente Espinoza, I'm 18 years and actually I'm studying at Universidad de Chile. this my first year in university and i'm studying an unusual career, called Sound, which is related in someway with the music, but also related with maths, science and technology. I choose these career because I like the idea to make music and manipulate the sound with the technology.
This first year I have a lot of expectations, but this time I will tell you only two generals expectations.
First at all, i want to get adapted in the ambient and mode of working and studying here in the university.
Also I want to meet more people that is related not only with sound, but also with music, visuals arts to make projects with them in future years.
So, I have a lot of goals for this semester, but when I will have more clear ideas, I will be posting in this blog for you.